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Natáčení Batman vs. Superman začíná tento víkend

Natáčení Batman vs. Superman začíná tento víkend

Vydáno: 16.10.2013 12:34 v sekci Novinky | Zprávy - | foto: facebook tvůrce

Premiéra očekávaného komiksového cross-overu Batman vs. Superman je sice naplánována až na 17. července 2015, ale natáčet se začíná již tento víkend. Jaká scéna se bude točit, se dozvíte v článku. Nebojte, žádné spoilery.

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Wasting no time, it seems that Zack Snyder's BATMAN VS SUPERMAN film is set to begin shooting this weekend, filming a football game between "Gotham City University and rival Metropolis State University" during the halftime of the game between ELAC and Victor Valley College at East Los Angeles College on October 19th. No word on whether or not the principle stars Ben Affleck or Henry Cavill will be there, but if you're in the L.A. area or happen to be an ELAC student, this could be your opportunity to "get in the game."

Details below:

Warner Bros. Pictures announced through a press release that Snyder and producers of the film are looking for people in the Los Angeles area, preferably ELAC students, to be extras for the upcoming film.

The stadium will be made into the backdrop for a football game between Gotham City University and rival Metropolis State University.

The first 2,000 people who sit in the filming area of the stadium will receive T-shirts designed by Snyder for those participating in the filming and prizes will be raffled throughout the night.

The crowd will sport Gotham Citys colors, black and gold.

The film will shoot three takes of three plays during halftime. The crew will be capturing the actors and crowd’s reactions.

ELAC’s College event and Venue Coordinator, Ernest Burnett, said that the filming will be about 20 minutes during halftime. The second half of ELAC’s game will follow the film shoot.

The last DCU film to feature a stadium scene resulted in the destruction of said stadium in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, although I'd wager this is more of a "setting" kind of thing, establishing the worlds of both Gotham City and Metropolis. Of course, that's pure speculation as nobody but the production really knows how it's all shaking out. I think the most important thing to glean from this news is that BATMAN VS SUPERMAN is actually happening and wasn't just a geektastic announcement at Comic Con.

BATMAN VS SUPERMAN is set for release on July 17, 2015.

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Prezentace filmu na Comic-conuVypadá to, že Batman vs. Superman bude skutečně oficiální název. Temný rytíř by proti Muži z oceli měl přitom povstat již tento víkend, kdy začíná produkce blockbusteru v režii Zacka Snydera. V sobotu 19. října by měl tvůrce ceněných komiksových adaptací jako 300: Bitva u ThermopylStrážci - Watchmen či naposledy Muž z oceli natočit první záběry. O co v nich půjde?

O nic menšího (ale ani většího), než je americký fotbal. Nečekejte ale nic tak velkolepého jako utkání v Temný rytíř povstal, ve kterém se hráči doslova propadli do země. Mělo by se jednat o zápas dvou škol, přičemž zajímavé je to, že proti sobě stanou hráči Gotham City University a Metropolis State University. Neví se ale nic bližšího, a tak lze pouze spekulovat, jestli si "po míči" půjdou Clark a Bruce za svých studentských let (nejspíš v rámci flashbacku), či se oba jako dospělí ocitnou na stejném zápase, nebo půjde jenom o střípek představující provázanost dvou měst a v podstatě i světů bez přítomnosti Bena Afflecka a Henryho Cavilla.

Batman vs. SupermanKamery se rozjedou během poločasu skutečného fotbalového utkání mezi ELAC a Victor Valley College na East Los Angeles College. A jak že informace o produkci prosákla ven? Warner Bros. dalo inzerát, že hledá v Los Angeles komparz, který by se měl sestávat nejlépe ze studentů ELAC (East Los Angeles College). A jakou dostanou odměnu, kromě toho, že budou součástí napjatě očekávaného titulu? První dva tisíce obdrží tričko navržené samotným Snyderem a během večera budou rozdány další ceny. Na své si ale přijdou jenom ti, kdo budou na straně Gothamu, protože komparz má na sobě mít kombinaci černé a zlaté, což jsou právě barvy města Netopýřího muže.

Nemělo by ve výsledku jít o nic velkého, protože by celá akce (realizovaná během poločasu) neměla zabrat déle než dvacet minut, jak se vyjádřil Ernest Burnett, který má na starost koordinaci zápasu na ELACu. Vedle toho by měly být během samotné hry zachyceny i reakce přihlížejících. K čemu myslíte, že poslouží?
Wasting no time, it seems that Zack Snyder's BATMAN VS SUPERMAN film is set to begin shooting this weekend, filming a football game between "Gotham City University and rival Metropolis State University" during the halftime of the game between ELAC and Victor Valley College at East Los Angeles College on October 19th. No word on whether or not the principle stars Ben Affleck or Henry Cavill will be there, but if you're in the L.A. area or happen to be an ELAC student, this could be your opportunity to "get in the game."

Details below:

Warner Bros. Pictures announced through a press release that Snyder and producers of the film are looking for people in the Los Angeles area, preferably ELAC students, to be extras for the upcoming film.

The stadium will be made into the backdrop for a football game between Gotham City University and rival Metropolis State University.

The first 2,000 people who sit in the filming area of the stadium will receive T-shirts designed by Snyder for those participating in the filming and prizes will be raffled throughout the night.

The crowd will sport Gotham Citys colors, black and gold.

The film will shoot three takes of three plays during halftime. The crew will be capturing the actors and crowd’s reactions.

ELAC’s College event and Venue Coordinator, Ernest Burnett, said that the filming will be about 20 minutes during halftime. The second half of ELAC’s game will follow the film shoot.

The last DCU film to feature a stadium scene resulted in the destruction of said stadium in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, although I'd wager this is more of a "setting" kind of thing, establishing the worlds of both Gotham City and Metropolis. Of course, that's pure speculation as nobody but the production really knows how it's all shaking out. I think the most important thing to glean from this news is that BATMAN VS SUPERMAN is actually happening and wasn't just a geektastic announcement at Comic Con.

BATMAN VS SUPERMAN is set for release on July 17, 2015.

- See more at:
Wasting no time, it seems that Zack Snyder's BATMAN VS SUPERMAN film is set to begin shooting this weekend, filming a football game between "Gotham City University and rival Metropolis State University" during the halftime of the game between ELAC and Victor Valley College at East Los Angeles College on October 19th. No word on whether or not the principle stars Ben Affleck or Henry Cavill will be there, but if you're in the L.A. area or happen to be an ELAC student, this could be your opportunity to "get in the game."

Details below:

Warner Bros. Pictures announced through a press release that Snyder and producers of the film are looking for people in the Los Angeles area, preferably ELAC students, to be extras for the upcoming film.

The stadium will be made into the backdrop for a football game between Gotham City University and rival Metropolis State University.

The first 2,000 people who sit in the filming area of the stadium will receive T-shirts designed by Snyder for those participating in the filming and prizes will be raffled throughout the night.

The crowd will sport Gotham Citys colors, black and gold.

The film will shoot three takes of three plays during halftime. The crew will be capturing the actors and crowd’s reactions.

ELAC’s College event and Venue Coordinator, Ernest Burnett, said that the filming will be about 20 minutes during halftime. The second half of ELAC’s game will follow the film shoot.

The last DCU film to feature a stadium scene resulted in the destruction of said stadium in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, although I'd wager this is more of a "setting" kind of thing, establishing the worlds of both Gotham City and Metropolis. Of course, that's pure speculation as nobody but the production really knows how it's all shaking out. I think the most important thing to glean from this news is that BATMAN VS SUPERMAN is actually happening and wasn't just a geektastic announcement at Comic Con.

BATMAN VS SUPERMAN is set for release on July 17, 2015.

- See more at:
Wasting no time, it seems that Zack Snyder's BATMAN VS SUPERMAN film is set to begin shooting this weekend, filming a football game between "Gotham City University and rival Metropolis State University" during the halftime of the game between ELAC and Victor Valley College at East Los Angeles College on October 19th. No word on whether or not the principle stars Ben Affleck or Henry Cavill will be there, but if you're in the L.A. area or happen to be an ELAC student, this could be your opportunity to "get in the game."

Details below:

Warner Bros. Pictures announced through a press release that Snyder and producers of the film are looking for people in the Los Angeles area, preferably ELAC students, to be extras for the upcoming film.

The stadium will be made into the backdrop for a football game between Gotham City University and rival Metropolis State University.

The first 2,000 people who sit in the filming area of the stadium will receive T-shirts designed by Snyder for those participating in the filming and prizes will be raffled throughout the night.

The crowd will sport Gotham Citys colors, black and gold.

The film will shoot three takes of three plays during halftime. The crew will be capturing the actors and crowd’s reactions.

ELAC’s College event and Venue Coordinator, Ernest Burnett, said that the filming will be about 20 minutes during halftime. The second half of ELAC’s game will follow the film shoot.

The last DCU film to feature a stadium scene resulted in the destruction of said stadium in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, although I'd wager this is more of a "setting" kind of thing, establishing the worlds of both Gotham City and Metropolis. Of course, that's pure speculation as nobody but the production really knows how it's all shaking out. I think the most important thing to glean from this news is that BATMAN VS SUPERMAN is actually happening and wasn't just a geektastic announcement at Comic Con.

BATMAN VS SUPERMAN is set for release on July 17, 2015.

- See more at:


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Furiosa: Sága Šíleného Maxe

Post-apokalyptický snímek režiséra George Millera, jenž dějově předchází filmu Šílený Max: Zběsilá cesta, se věnuje osudu postavy jménem Furiosa, která byla coby dítě unesena a nyní v dospělosti touží po pomstě.


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